Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Turkey Day

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone celebrating! Elvisward is taking this week to rest & relax and celebrate what the American Government likes to call the "beginning of the friendship between the Native Americans and settlers". Don't you worry your little head... He'll be back with all pieces of hair in perfect place after this week.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

So... Uh... Yea.

Yea... I know we've been slacking but we have GREAT excuses... We both went back to work!!!!!!!!!!
No, this doesn't mean the updates will stop. Although they might not be every wednesday, might turn into once a week maybe a monday maybe a friday... Just depends.
Anyways, to make up for our horrible absence... I present to you a fan-made banner :-D
If you don't like (which would mean you're a retard) make one yourself and send it to: ASPresley2@gmail.com!!!!!!
Oh, btw, CHAPTER 3 IS UP!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Friday, November 5, 2010

Chapter 2 Teaser

Sitting up quickly, which isn’t the brightest idea I’ve ever had, I notice there are a few things in the room that weren’t there before. Panning the room I notice an extra end table with a few vases of flowers next to a photo frame, a few extra stools in front of the mirror bank, and a silk screen with a brightly colored scarf hanging over it. All of these things make me do a double take, whose scarf is that? Whose room is this? Millions of questions bombard my mind. Like how did I get here? I have no idea. The last thing I remember is feeling lonesome.

Oh crap, there’s something behind the screen. No, scratch that, someone. Someone with ample curves and the most delicious foot I’ve ever seen peeking out from the screen. Great, now I’m slightly hard thinking about a person who I don’t know, and at the sight of her feet no less.

FUCK! I need to get to the stage, checking my watch again I now have two minutes to make it down the hallway. I stand up wary of falling back down. Well, I can stand up no problem, that’s a plus. I guess I’ll have time later to check out the room, and the girl behind the screen.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Chapter 1 ~ MzB

So Guys and Dolls,
Story ID: 6449815
Penname: AS Presley

Monday, November 1, 2010

Chapter One Teaser

On stage, I would gyrate my hips and the girls would swoon and make performing that much better. They'd reach for me at the bottom of the stage. I'd give them the best crooked smile and lip curl I could muster before swaying my hips and moving on. The screams would erupt, and moans would fall from hundreds of lips. I would do my best to please them all. Make sure they got the experience they all searched ME out to find.

Go Add us to Author Alert so you know when the first chapter is posted!